Student architectural competition CONCRETE AND ARCHITECTURE 2017
Faculty of Architecture in Brno, Czech Cement Association and Research Institute of Binding Materials Prague organized fourth year student architectural competition CONCRETE AND ARCHITECTURE. This year was designed as national unlike previous years, which were intended only for students of architecture Faculty of Architecture in Brno.
Concrete Roads 2016
The 6th Czech national conference “Concrete Roads 2016” continued after the international EUPAVE conference organized in 2014 and national conferences with the tradition since 2002. This year conference took place in Aquapalace Hotel Prague in Čestlice on 22nd September 2016.
Conference Lime, Cement, Ecology 2016
Conference “Lime, Cement, Ecology 2016” was held from May 16 to 18, 2016 at the hotel Skalský Dvůr in Lísek near Bystřice nad Pernštejnem.
Concrete and Architecture 2015
Already the third internal architectural idea competition CONCRETE AND ARCHITECTURE 2015 was held this year. We organized this competition together with the Faculty of Architecture of the Brno University of Technology and Czech Cement Association of Czech Republic.
Research Institute of Binding Materials Prague, Ltd.
Our core business is research, development and testing in the following areas:
- cement;
- lime and limestone;
- mortars and plasters;
- gypsum and gypsum plasters;
- fly ashes and slag;
- and other hydraulic and non-hydraulic binders and building materials.
What we do:
- design technology solutions to meet environmental, legislation and standards requirements,
- offer specialized comprehensive testing of building materials,
- participate in development of European and Czech technical standards,
- inform and educate on legislative issues, participate in the preparation of environmental legislation in the Czech Republic and the EU, represent interests of the production of building materials industry,
- organize training courses and seminars, provide marketing surveys.